
Cayenne Mango Kefir Smoothie

This tropical smoothie has more to it than meets the eye, the Cayenne pepper is a great ingredient to help boost your immune system as it is packed with beta carotene and antioxidants. Mango can be bought all year round in the UK, however stand out seasons for extra juicy Mangos are *between April-September.

"The inclusion of cayenne pepper adds a distinctive twist. This spice is not merely about heat; it also brings depth and complexity to the smoothie. Cayenne is known for its ability to stimulate metabolism, adding a wellness angle to the drink. The heat of the cayenne beautifully contrasts the mango's sweetness, creating a dynamic and invigorating taste experience."



1 cup of Good Company's Kefir
1 ripe mango, peeled, pitted, and chopped
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper (adjust to your spice preference)
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
A pinch of salt
Ice cubes (optional)



Start by preparing your ingredients. Peel and chop the ripe mango.


In a blender, combine the kefir, chopped mango, cayenne pepper, ground ginger, and a pinch of salt.


If you prefer a colder and thicker smoothie, you can also add a few ice cubes to the blender.


Blend all the ingredients until smooth and well combined. Taste the mixture and adjust the spiciness and sweetness to your liking by adding more cayenne pepper.


Once the mixture is well blended and reaches your desired consistency, pour the spicy mango kefir smoothie into a glass.


Serve immediately and enjoy the unique combination of spiciness from the cayenne pepper and the creaminess of kefir, with the sweet and tropical flavour of mango.

The amount of sugar added to our Soya Drink. Not one bit.
The number of types of healthy bacterial cultures in each bottle of Kefir.
The number of times our glass bottles are re-used on average.

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